This is gorgeous, have been loving your more collage type of art lately!
This is gorgeous, have been loving your more collage type of art lately!
warped perspectives are so cool. you've been improving so much on your illustrations, good job moi fwend!
I'M SO GLAD!!! I loved Grating Simulator!!! (despite turning the volume almost all the way down when I watch it lol) IT'S AWESOME!
Can't believe I missed this, I love it!
hOLY SHIET the man himself, love yo animations man
your colors are so stunning @!!!+++!_!@1
Love your drawings and animations so much. The colors you used in this are also beautiful. This means the world to me.
If grating sim has a million fans, i am one of them
if grating sim has one fan then that is me
literally love ur animations dude, ur style and comedy's right up my alley and it'd would be awesome to work with you one day o7
Your art is so fucking good and professional. Thanks for the follow on here, your art is where I hope to be at one day.
Dude this is so fucking insane and surreal this is amazing
Good feet 😋
this is so coooooL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the wire arms are m,y favforrtiyte
COOOLLLLL im going to shove yopur arms in a shredder
I make cartoons and sometimes they are funny
Age 22, Male
Joined on 9/25/18